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68000 68030 CPLD FPGA ARM
The ACRTC Board
Here you will find example programs designed to help with programming the ACRTC Graphics Controller on Mega-68000 and Mega-68030 Computer Systems using BASIC and 'C'.

Standard Tiny BASIC does not offer much in terms of functions and general mathematical capabilities. The version of Tiny BASIC here though (Tiny BASIC for ACRTC) is a heavily modified version of Tiny BASIC containing lots of additional functions that make programming the ACRTC on a Mega-680x0 Computer System fun and easy to do with next to no technical knowledge needed.

Reference Material:
Tiny BASIC for ACRTC V1.2 - Command Quick Reference Guide

This document contains a list of all the ACRTC specific commands supported by Tiny BASIC for ACRTC

Hitachi HD63484 ACRTC Advanced CRT Controller User's Manual

This document details what the ACRTC commands do and what parameters are required - pages 173-300

From now on when we refer to Tiny BASIC we really mean Tiny BASIC for ACRTC or TBA for short.
Tiny BASIC with CP/M-68K

Tiny BASIC can be installed as a transient utility program and invoked from a CP/M-68K command prompt as and when required - how cool is that?

The easiest way to install it is to use:
C-Kermit on the PC
G-Kermit on the Mega-680x0 Computer System
Setup instructions for C-Kermit for Windows can be found here:
The procedure below will install Tiny BASIC
If the following is not true
B: - CP/M-68K drive containing the G-Kermit utility
D: - CP/M-68K drive to install to
apply drive letter substitution to the procedure as necessary
1. Download the following file:
2. Copy the file to the C-Kermit transfer folder on the PC
3. Start the Mega-680x0 Computer System
4. At the SYS> prompt type: OS
5. At the A> prompt type: D:
6. At the D> prompt type: B:GKERMIT -G TBASIC.68K
  The Mega-680x0 receives and processes the binary file,
  when reception is complete, the Mega-680x0 will accept the next command
To launch Tiny BASIC from the CP/M-68K command prompt
Tiny BASIC without CP/M-68K
To load Tiny BASIC into memory
1. Download the following file:
2. Open the tbasic.srec file using Windows Notepad
3. Copy ALL the text to the Windows Clipboard
4. Start the Mega-680x0 Computer System
5. At the SYS> prompt type: LO
6. Paste the copied text into the Console Window
  The Mega-680x0 receives and processes the S-Record formatted binary file,
  when reception is complete, the Mega-680x0 will accept the next command
To launch Tiny BASIC from the SYS> prompt
Type: GO 20100
To quit Tiny BASIC
Type: MON
Enhanced BASIC
The System ROM contains Enhanced BASIC
To launch Enhanced BASIC from the SYS> prompt
Type: BA

The simple ACRTC 'C' programs/demos presented here were compiled and linked on the Mega-680x0 target hardware using the inbuilt CP/M-68K compiler and linker. Step by step instructions on how to generate the executable files from the provided 'C' source files are included.

All hardware designs, software, and information shared on this website is provided "as is"
without warranty of any kind and strictly for personal non-commercial use only.
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Status: under construction
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+44 (0)7973 265572